Culmination 2020 - Bushfire charcoal installation 25 February 2020
Corrugated work in background is artist Luke Kennedy’s @lukennedystudio
Culmination 2020 - Bushfire charcoal installation 25 February 2020
Culmination 1.11pm - The sun is at the highest point and the shadow cast is the shortest at 1m.
Culmination - Bushfire charcoal installation 25 February 2020
Culmination Bushfire charcoal installation 25 February 2020
Culmination 2020 is a site specific installation at Articulate Project Space in Annandale Sydney.
The work reflects on the impacts of humans on the planet. Using bushfire charcoal it maps the shadows of the original hardwood from dawn to the culmination (sun at the highest point) at that point in time for that site. The work builds towards a critical juncture; ‘high noon’’, the moment at which we find ourselves in the climate emergency.